Wednesday, 18 January 2012

KING LEAR : Bibliography

Adelman, Janet. Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare’s Plays, Hamlet
to The Tempest. Routledge, 1992.

---. Ed. 20th Century Interpretations of King Lear. 1978.

Booth, Stephen King Lear, Macbeth, Indefinition and Tragedy (New Haven, 1983)

Cavell, Stanley "The Avoidance of Love: a reading of King Lear" in Disowning Knowledge in Six Plays
of Shakespeare (Cambridge, 1987)

Colie, Rosalie L. Ed. Some Facets of King Lear.

Danby, John F. Shakespeare's Doctrine of Nature (1949)

Dollimore, Jonathan. Radical Tragedy (1984)

Everett, Barbara "The New King Lear", Critical Quarterly 2 (1960)

Foakes, R. A. Hamlet versus Lear: Cultural Politics and Shakespeare's Art (Cambridge, 1993)

Greenblatt, Stephen "King Lear and Harsnett's 'Devil-Fiction' ", Genre 15 (1982)

Greenblatt, Stephen "Shakespeare and the Excorcists", Shakespearean Negotiations: The Circulation
of Social Energy in Renaissance England (1988)

Heinemann, Margot "Demystifying the Mystery of State: King Lear and the World Upside Down",

Shakespeare Survey 44 (1991)

Kahn, Coppelia "The absent mother in King Lear", in Margaret W. Ferguson, Maureen Quilligan
and Nancy J. Vickers (eds) Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early
Modern Europe (Chicago 1986)

Kermode, Frank. The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction (Oxford, 2000)

Kott, Jan. Shakespeare our Contemporary (1964)

Mack, Maynard King Lear in Our Time (1965)

McLuskie, Kathleen "The patriarchal bard: feminist criticism and Shakespeare: King Lear and
Measure for Measure" in Dollimore and Sinfield (eds), Political Shakespeare (1985)

Patterson, Annabel Shakespeare and the Popular Voice (Cambridge, Mass., and Oxford, 1989)

Taylor, Gary "The war in King Lear", Shakespeare Survey 33 (1980)

Taylor, Gary Reinventing Shakespeare (Oxford, 1991)

Turner, John "King Lear" in Graham Holderness, Nick Potter and John Turner (eds), Shakespeare: The
Play of History (1988)

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